By Dianne @ South Dunedin Library — May 31, 2020

I have to admit, I'm guilty of this at the moment but sometimes it just has to be the way it is.

A couple of months ago a customer told me I should read Sherrilyn Kenyon. She was another author on my list of 'getting round to' reads. I started with the "League: Nemesis Rising" series. I really enjoyed these books which follows the all the members of the League. I couldn't read these quickly enough. I followed this with the "Dark-Hunter" series and the start of my lock down reading. Luckily I had put a few books on hold and got them the week before but I only got the ones that were available at the time, not the whole series. So reading out of order was the way I had to go. I ended up jumping around a bit but still followed the story lines. If you enjoy Fantasy, then give this author a try.

Now Dunedin Public Libraries are open again, we can get back to reading books in the order in which they were intended. A great website to guide you on book series is Fantastic Fiction. You can find out which books belong to the series, when they were written and in which order the author planned them to be read. You can search for an author by name and find other books the author has written, and what they are currently working on. You can also search by genre: Fiction, Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy and many more.

Having found your next read, if you check the Library catalogue and find we don't have the book in our collection, Fantastic Fiction gives you all the information you need to complete our "Suggest an Item" form to request that we purchase the book. 

Fantastic Fiction is a great tool that I use all the time, especially when I am looking for something else to read or a new author. I really like looking at the books that authors have recommended and what other visitors to the page have also looked at. 

So, if you have the time, browse this great website and see what you can find for your next read.