Dianne Mears, South Dunedin Librarian — Jul 9, 2019

Some of my favourite reads are within Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy genres.

 Fantasy usually features lead characters who are werewolves, fairies, witches, magicians, vampires or other supernatural beings. Paranormal romance is a romance by any other name but set within a fantasy realm. Urban Fantasy blends magic with a real-world environment – magic is a feature, but the setting is one we are used to, our own urban world. If you don’t mind a little magic in your books and are willing to try something different and branch out a bit, give these authors a go or try one of the many on our shelves.

Urban Fantasy

Circle of the Moon. Faith Hunter (Book 4 in the Soulwood series)
When Circle of the Moon arrived on my Holds notification, I quickly took it home and couldn’t wait to open it up. So many things made this book hard to put down: why was Rick getting “moon called”? What’s going on with Nell and Occam? Is Mud just like Nell? This book didn’t disappoint.

Archangel's Prophecy. Nalini Singh* (Book 11 in the Guild Hunter series)
Elena is special, the first mortal to be changed into an Immortal. Archangel’s Prophecy doesn’t disappoint - we are kept on tenterhooks as Elena loses her feathers. Is she regressing and turning back into a mortal? Will she fall from the sky? Can Raphael keep his consort safe? If you haven’t tried this series start on Book 1: Angels’ Blood.

See also: Magic Triumphs. Ilona Andrews (Book 10 in the Kate Daniels series)

Paranormal Romance

Ocean Light. Nalini Singh (NZ author. Book 2 in the Psy-Changeling Trinity Series)
Bowen Knight has come back from the dead. But the chip implanted in his brain to stop telepathic interference is ticking down, will it fail? Can Kaia help Bo? She traded in science to be a cook, but her life ends up in danger. Can Bo save Kaia or is it too late? (You do need to start with the Psy-Changeling series first as this follows on)

Blood Fury. J R Ward(Book 3 of the Black Dagger Legacy)
Peyton is aware of his duty to his vampire bloodline but what happens when his perfect match has fallen in love with someone else? This book kept me on my toes and I really enjoyed finishing it. (Start with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series first as they end up inter-twined)

See also: 

Shadow Warrior. Christine Feehan (Book 4 in the Shadow Series)

Dianne Mears - South Dunedin Librarian