Dunedin Public Libraries | Kā Kete Wānaka o Ōtepoti — Jul 25, 2021

Celebrating National Poetry Day: Non-Stop* Poetic Cabaret

Poetry and jazz fuse as a dozen pitch-perfect poets pit their prose against an intoxicating set of instrumentalists. Be entertained, be wined and dined, and immerse yourself in the joy of poetry.

Book your seat: ticket includes wine/beer/soft drinks and a selection of savoury and sweet dishes served to the table (please email library@dcc.govt.nz to advise of any dietary requirements when booking)

Tickets: $15 available from Dunedin City Library (03 474 3690 or Library@dcc.govt.nz)

PRIOR BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL as this is a catered event – sorry, no walk-ins on the night

(tickets can be reserved but must be paid for and collected in person within 48 hours)

Friday 27th August, 6pm

Dunningham Suite, 4th Floor, Dunedin City Library

Presented by Dunedin Public Libraries in partnership with Otago-Southland NZ Society of Authors and Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature with the support of Phantom National Poetry Day and University Bookshop Otago

*poetic licence: actually stops by 8pm