Oshadha Perera — Feb 8, 2022

2nd place winner in the 2021 Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature Robert Burns Poetry Competition youth section - Rap Like Robbie

From Edinburgh to Dunedin

56°N, 3°W
Yesterday I strolled across the meadows
feeling every single blade of grass
fly past my feet,
the sky looking like
someone had splashed it with
the brightest blue ever,
but all I could see
were the puffy clouds
that took the shape of ships
and boats and waves
just like the ones
in front of me now.

40°S, 174°E
The journey took days
and days and days,
but when i see the lingering mist
uncover the yellowy green mountains
under the pink-purple-red-orange sky,
I know that this will be
my home,
that this will be where
I will talk to the sky,
laugh with the waves
and run with the wind,
where I will live
and belong.