Shirley Jones — Nov 1, 2018

It can seem daunting and frightening, but each little step that each person makes, will make a difference.

With the demise of the single-use plastic bag, and the images of our polluted oceans and waterways filling our screens, we are all thinking about how we can improve life on our (only!) planet. Why not start at your public library? Each book we purchase has the potential to be read by many people. That's got to save a few trees! We have books on a huge range of subjects to give you some great ideas to help you change your lifestyle for the better. There are books on reducing your use of plastics; using less, recycling and reusing; growing and saving food at home; using natural materials that are not harmful to the environment - to name just a few topics. 

Here's a list of some interesting titles to get you started.

101 Organic Gardening Hacks. Shawna Coronado
A Life Less Throwaway. Tara Button
A Zero Waste Life: In Thirty Days. Anita Vandyke
Fashion Made Fair: Modern, Innovative, Sustainable. Ellen Kohrer
From Global to Local: The Making of Things and the End of Globalisation.  Finbarr Livesey
Musings of an Energy Nerd: Toward an Energy Efficient Home. Martin Holladay
Psychology for a Better World. Niki Harre
The Hands-On Home: A Seasonal Guide to Cooking, Preserving and Natural Homekeeping. Erica Strauss
The New Art of Living Green. Erica Palmcrantz
Tiny Houses Built with Recycled Materials. Ryan Mitchell
Turning the Tide on Plastic: How Humanity (and You) Can Make Our Globe Clean Again. Lucy Siegle