Kay Mercer — Jun 30, 2020

Tuesday 17th November, 6pm

Visions for Dunedin: Our Heritage, Our Future

Developing Confidence: Photographer William Meluish and 1860's Dunedin

In partnership with the Southern Heritage Trust, Dunedin Public Libraries is pleased to host a series of inspirational talks throughout the year, exploring visions of Dunedin’s past, present, and perhaps more importantly its future. 

SPEAKER: Jonathan Howard, project advisor for Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Jonathan uses historical photographs extensively in his work, researching the architectural history of buildings and structures and charting the development and mechanisms for change in New Zealand urban centres.

On arrival in early 1860, William Meluish immediately set about photographing what was then, the year before the discovery of gold in the province, a “quiet dingy little town”. He took subsequent views and panoramas from the same or similar vantage points and consciously recorded the town’s remarkable transformation into a city.

This talk looks at Meluish’s life in Dunedin and how his photography shaped contemporary impressions of Dunedin.

Tuesday 17th November, 6pm
Dunningham Suite, 4th Floor, Dunedin City Library