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Laura Canton "Reign of Glory"

Laura Canton —

2nd place in the Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature Robert Burns Poetry Competiton youth section - Rap Like Robbie

Reign of Glory:
Ye NZ roads, potholes and pits
Take a richt at ye Give Way sign
Embark on a journey adown the motorway
Expect sheep aye cows

Speak o’ the Devil! Here they appear
Round doth round aye sheep doth sheep
Wait a mionaid while they plodge
Then onward ye weary soldier!

Yowe-tremmle the rain is coming
Relax unto its steady rhythm
Crank down the roof of me Volkswagen
Until me is truly drookit

Yell until the rain doth pour
Now sit as tightly on your rear
Grip the steering wheel a’loosely
Let ye joy seep into your limbs;
A hae te gang
The morn doth call me