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New Non Fiction

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New and recommended books from our non-fiction collection.

18 Miles: The Epic Drama of the Atmosphere and Its Weather. Christopher Dewdney
This is a comprehensive overview of the atmosphere written in a very accessible style. The author's love of weather really shines through.

A Bite of the Apple: A Life with Books, Writers and Virago. Lennie Goodings
The reader is taken on a fabulous ride from the early 1970's and the beginnings of the feminist publisher Virago, to its present day successes. We especially loved the writing on time spent with authors such as Maya  Angelou, Margaret Atwood and Angela Carter.

A Bound Woman is a Dangerous Thing: The Incarceration of African American Women from Harriet Tubman to Sandra Bland.  DaMaris Hill
This powerful and unforgettable book is a homage to African American women. It is full of haunting and sometimes confronting poems as well as short histories and black and white photos of women.

Marram: Memories of Sea and Spider Silk. Leonie Charlton
The beauty of landscape is very evident in this gorgeous book. It is more than a travel book, as the poetic writing takes the reader on a healing journey.

The Scientist and the Spy: A True Story of China, the FBI, and Industrial Espionage. Mara Hvistendahl
Reading like a crime novel, this meticulously researched book is an account of the attempt by the FBI to stop the theft of agricultural secrets by a group from China. It centres on Robert Mo, a Chinese man working for DBN (Beijing Da Bei Nong Science and Technology Group Ltd), and Monsanto, and highlights many important issues for today.

Victory in the Kitchen: The Life of Churchill’s Cook. Annie Gray
This is the fascinating account of a working class woman, Georgina Landemare, who cooked for many wealthy households. She eventually became “Mrs Mar” in the Churchill household from 1940 to 1954. The social history of domestic servants is highlighted in this well-researched book.

Wardrobe Crisis: How We Went from Sunday Best to Fast Fashion. Clare Press
A fashion journalist goes behind the scenes of the fashion industry to throw light on the huge changes that have happened over time to the detriment of the planet. This timely book is entertaining as well as informative.

Wild Kinship: Conversations with Conscious Entrepreneurs. Monique Hemmingson
You will become inspired personally, creatively and professionally after reading these words by NZ and Australian people who are forging paths in new positive business directions.