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BorrowBox Tutorial
Photo by Niche Academy

BorrowBox Tutorial

Dunedin Public Libraries —

Not sure how to use BorrowBox? See if our Niche Academy Tutorial can help!

BorrowBox is an eBook and eAudiobook service provided by your library that makes it easy to browse, preview, reserve, and download titles on your electronic devices.

Browse titles by age category, genre, and specially curated lists;...

Search for your favourite authors, titles, and even narrators;...

And preview titles before committing to a loan.

Downloaded titles are always available on your device, whether you’re connected to the internet or not, so you can enjoy them anywhere.

As you read or listen to a title, the app automatically saves your progress, so you can pick up right where you left off.

And, if your loan expires, it will be automatically returned, so there are no overdue fees.

Start the Tutorial now.