Brydee Strang — Mar 8, 2019

A gift to Dunedin from the many cultures who live here.

They say that if you look in your own backyard you'll find more diversity of life than there is still to be discovered in the Amazon rainforest. We think that an exploration of Dunedin might reveal as much diversity of culture as a trip around the world. And we are bringing that world to you.

Yes, Around the World in 80 Tales is back for 2019, taking a third tour of the languages in Dunedin through story. You'll find voices from Oceania, Asia, Europe and the Pacific. Kadodo will get your blood pumping with the intoxicating rhythm of West African drums, dancers from India and Kiribati will dazzle you, Rudolph Steiner's puppetry will take you to far-away lands and That Blind Woman Julie Woods will transport you to a new perspective with the story of Braille. Plus, you’ll discover an incredible tale emerging through the glorious jewel-bright colours of a sand mandala created by Buddhist monks from Dunedin Dhargyey Buddhist Centre.

Fly around the world with us! It's the cheapest international travel you're likely to find: a free family fun day at Dunedin Public library. Featuring Te Reo Maori, NZSL, Nepalese, Hindi, Turkish and more, all stories retold in English, and suitable for all ages.

Come on board Saturday 30th March, 2019 for our cultural extravaganza which starts at 11am. We look forward to seeing you there.

Psst👋 want to get involved? If you speak another language and want to be a storyteller this year or next, or if you'd love to volunteer on the day contact us or visit our blog page. 

Tēna koutou.

With thanks to Creative Communities NZ for their support

World Storytelling Festival: Around the World in 80 Tales 

an event for all ages

Saturday, 30th March, 11am-3.30pm, Dunedin City Library