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Fiction Highlights

The Islands at the End of the World. Austin Aslan
Leilani is spending time with her father in a hotel in Honalulu. It is the night before she is booked in to hospital for treatment for life-threatening seizures. But something has gone terribly wrong and as they try to work out why the cable television has cut out during a presidential speech the realisation hits that all forms of communication have gone down. What major catastrophe has befallen the world? And will Leilani be able to receive the medical help she so desperately needs.

The Light that Gets Lost. Natasha Carthew
The witnessing of the killing of one’s closest family members is a trauma that lasts a lifetime and, eight years after an event that ruined Trey’s life, revenge is his only motivation. When he learns that his family’s murderer is the preacher at an institution for wayward boys, Trey devises a plan to become a resident there. He hopes that his parents are looking down from heaven and will see him avenge their murders.

The Private Blog of Joe Cowley: Return of the Geek. Ben Davis
Joe Cowley, in an attempt to sort his life out, has written a blog. Here he shares the events of his life in a series of light hearted anecdotes. These range between the relatively serious business of getting his new girlfriend’s parents to like him to the hilarious ruse he contrives to get his brother to take his dirty clothes down to the laundry. This book is highly recommended for anyone who likes to laugh out loud.

Silver in the Blood. Jessica Day George
The year is 1890 and two sisters have been sent to Budapest to stay with family; one by ship, the other on the Orient Express. The sisters communicate by post and, as they come closer to their destination, it becomes clear that their time in Hungary may not be quite what they expected. That they have been sent there with a purpose in mind is hinted at, and their hope for a meeting with a member of the Dracula family causes mysterious concern.

The Weight of Feathers. Anna-Marie McLemore
The Corbeau and Paloma families have been enemies for decades. They are traveling entertainers and each year their respective troupes descend upon the Spanish town of Almendro to provide fantastic, circus-like visual displays for the summer tourists. Can the younger generation see their way through to a more peaceful coexistence or will the prevailing superstition and suspicion that dominates their lives make a truce impossible? This is an absorbing story from start to finish.

Recommended Non-Fiction

Unbroken. Laura Hillenbrand
Louie Hillenbrand was a man with an amazing tale to tell. He was an Olympic champion, a World War II flying ace and a prisoner of war. He even survived several weeks alone at sea on a life raft. This is a true account of his adventurous life and is filled with photos and stories of these interesting and incredible experiences.