Sonnet - Address to the New Deil (Government) by Peter Sutton

Kay Mercer —

1st place winner of the Unpublished category of the UNESCO Dunedin City of Literature Robert Burns Poetry Competition

Oh Thou ! whatever title doth suit thee,

Labour, New Zealand First or even Green,

You still have the power o’er folk like me

For good or ill which is as yet unseen.

For nine long years, when National was thy name

We seemed powerless to change thy course,

Thy policies oft led us to complain

But now thy chariot has another horse

And another rider, or two, or three,

; With fulsome promises of great change,

The results of which we have yet to see

Though we must doubt they lie within thy range.

I’ve often heard my reverend Grannie say

In lonely lanes like these thou likes to stray..