Kay Mercer — Mar 8, 2019

No gain without pain

Many of you will be aware of general disruption and noise at the City Library of late. Some big changes include the removal of the Ground Floor escalator, the refurbishment of all three lifts in the building, the cleaning and painting of the roof, replacement of the bricks and waterproof membranes on the balconies around the building, and addressing some long-standing accessibility issues. This work will not be completed in its entirely until about September 2019.

While these are not glamorous improvements they will ensure the ongoing protection of the Library’s operational and heritage collections into the future. Council has also approved additional funding for projects which will further enhance the physical spaces we offer.

There is a review of Bookbuses happening this year (2018/19) so watch that space for big changes. The South Dunedin pop-up Library opened in September last year and will be replaced by a permanent South Dunedin Community and Cultural Centre over the course of 2019-21. And the City Library will get a refurbishment in 2020-21 which should see some more glamorous improvements than the current developments.

We thank you all for your patience while the work is being conducted. It is great to see the City investing in the future of libraries which are so integral to the social well-being of our community.