Hero photograph
Anne of Green Gables
Photo by Dianne Mears

What got me hooked on Reading?

Dianne Mears, South Dunedin Library —

It's hard to believe that many years ago I wasn't interested in reading books. Give me an Archie comic and I was set.

I'm sure my poor mother at the time was horrified, as both my parents were avid readers. I wasn't interested in books, they took up too much time and I had more interesting things to do.

I remember one day Mum had the TV on, showing Anne of Green Gables. It didn't take long for me to be hooked. And then I found out that there were books: who knew? So Mum had to go to the book shop and get me book 1 as soon as possible. I'm sure from memory I hibernated into my bedroom and started to devour the it, each page a delight and pulling me even further into the series. Now, I really feel sorry for Mum as I was reading as quick as I could and she was ordering the books ahead as well. I do remember being really put out when I had to wait, because the next book in the series was on order at Whitcoulls and hadn't arrived. What was I going to do? I ended up raiding my sister's book shelves and started working my way through all of her books.

If you are like me and love to visit old favourites why don't you check out the collection of Anne of Green Gables that the library holds? If you love the series with Megan Follows check out the DVD's that we have, or on Beamafilm you can watch the 2016 remake staring Elle Ballentine. Or the books written by L.M Montgomery, reading about Anne's journey and follow her children, reading about Rilla of Ingleside. Or you could have a look at The Anne of Green Gables Cookbook, and learn how to make 'Diana Barry's Favourite Raspberry Cordial'. Or check out House of dreams: the life of L. M Montgomery.

I'm sure everyone has that one book that got them hooked into reading. Anne of Green Gables was mine. It opened up my mind to the magic of books and the wonder of words.