Hero photograph

Kid's Picks

Rachel Kean —

New and recommended books for children

Picture Books

Anthony and the Gargoyle Jo Ellen Bogart
This is a perfectly crafted book in which the pictures tell the story. There are no words at all.

The beautiful illustrations tell the story of a little boy who somehow comes into the possession of a gargoyle. He is at first mystified by this sad and lonely creature and it isn’t until Anthony’s mother shows him photos of a time before he was born, of Paris and all the famous locations there, that he works out where the gargoyle is from, the Notre Dame cathedral. When the family visits Anthony’s grandmother in Paris he finally manages to restore the gargoyle to its rightful place. You will be surprised by the heart-warming scene at the end of the story. This is a lovely book to share.

Pluto Gets the Call Adam Rex

This is an entertaining story about the planet Pluto, set at the time he was kicked off the planet list, instead being named as an ice dwarf. Pluto, slightly miffed, takes us on a tour of the real planets and light-heartedly shares a few facts about the members of the solar system. Eventually Pluto reaches the sun, who soon makes him feel a bit better and once again special. This book is both informative and entertaining.

Fiction 6 - 9 years

The Secret Explorers and the Plant Poachers S J King

Leah has found a very special plant, a ghost orchid, and must rally the troops (mainly Gustav, her special friend) to save it from poachers. Her club, The Secret Explorers, are a brave and smart group of friends. Can they use their combined expertise to thwart the poachers and their evil ways? Once you've discovered The Secret Explorers series you will want to read more.

Countdown to Disaster Tom Watson

Molly’s parents’ secret is finally out. They are planning to move to a new house, maybe even to another town. This is what Molly thinks. The idea of leaving her best friends and never seeing them again is inconceivable to Molly so they devise a cunning plan to get her parents to change their minds. It’s a race for time as Molly imagines the moving truck arriving to take all her stuff away.

This is part of the Trouble at Table 5 series.  It is a quirky and entertaining series suitable  for readers new to chapter books.

10+ years

Birdie and Me J.M.M. Nuanez

Birdie and his big sister Jack have had an awful year. Their mother has died, and they have moved to her hometown, so that they can live with their Uncle Carl. On top of that a bully at their new school is teasing Birdie about the clothes and lip gloss he wears. Birdie loves colourful clothes and fashion and his mother always encouraged him to wear what he liked. Now he is being forced to wear clothes he finds boring and, because Uncle Carl wasn’t great at looking after them, the children have moved to their other Uncle’s. He isn’t much fun at all. Will Jack and Birdie ever again find a place they feel is home?

This is a great read.

Eddie Albert and the Amazing Animal Gang Paul O’Grady

Eddie has a big secret that he guards very carefully. He can speak to animals! This modern-day Doctor Dolittle has some hilarious conversations, especially with his pet fish, who think they were once pirates. Because of this special skill Eddie finds it difficult to make friends. When he moves to the Netherlands to live with his interesting aunt everything changes and he is able to be himself. That’s when the excitement begins as he, his aunt and a whole gang of supporters take on an evil criminal to save an orangutan. If you feel like a good laugh this is the book for you.