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Non-fiction Highlights

Non-Fiction Highlights

Shirley Jones and Colleen Marshall —

A selection of new arrivals to our shelves. 

At Home at Highclere: Entertaining at the Real Downton Abbey. Fiona Carnarvon
Lady Carnarvon gives us a glimpse inside a great house, with all its history gathered from over 300 years of records. Fascinating!

Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst. Robert Sapolsky
An ambitious book by a leading neuroendocrinologist who has studied primates in Africa. The science of the brain and behaviour is presented in an accessible way without any dumbing down. See the TED Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/robert_sapolsky_the_uniqueness_of_humans

Caesar's Last Breath: The Epic Story of the Air Around Us. Sam Kean
An enjoyable, fun and very readable book on everything about the atmosphere. Gas molecules are described as feral, oxygen as a madman, and our moon as an albatross!

Dior: Catwalk: The Complete Collections
The book celebrates 70 years of the Dior fashion house, from 1947 and the New Look, to 2017 and Maria Grazia Chiuri, the first woman to be appointed creative director.

The First Signs: Unlocking the Mysteries of the World's Oldest Symbols. Genevieve Von Petzinger
Archaeologist Genevieve von Petzinger takes the reader on a journey through European caves to discover the Ice Age beginnings of graphic communication. View a TED talk by Genevieve.

Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong - and the New Research That's Rewriting the Story. Angela Saini
The title says it all! A must-read for anyone interested in gender bias.

Jane Austen at Home: A Biography. Lucy Worsley
An engaging biography of Jane Austen and the places she lived, written for the 200th anniversary of her death by the inimitable Lucy Worsley, Chief Curator at Royal Historic Palaces and self-confessed Janeite.

The Lady with the Borzoi: Blanche Knopf, Literary Tastemaker Extraordinaire. Laura Claridge
The wife of Alfred from Knopf Publishers was unrecognised at the time as a leading force in American literary circles. This very interesting book addresses this and brings the early 20th century literary scene to life.

Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life. Peter Godfrey-Smith

Did you know that Cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish) have a remarkable intelligence that is quite different from our own. Immerse yourself in their world and be amazed!

The Thoughtful Gardener: An Intelligent Approach to Garden Design. Jinny Blom

A beautifully illustrated book written with wit and passion. What defines her work is her skill with plants and her ability to create a garden that responds to the history of the site and the wider landscape. She designs for the long term.