Amanda Booth & Glenda Rogers — May 1, 2019

New and recommended from the Young Adult collection.

Unholy. Bill Bennett
This is book two of the Palace of Fires series. Lily's mother is a member of Cygnet, an ancient coven dedicated to using witchcraft for good purposes. However, there are evil plans afoot to have her soul sacrificed to Satan. Lily and her boyfriend must race across the country to rescue her mother, little realising that the same evil fate is intended for her also. 

This is a riveting read with an incredibly shocking end awaiting the reader in the epilogue.

Elites of Eden. Joey Graceffa
Eden is a manufactured, artificial haven for the survivors of the Eco-fail, which caused all animal and plant life to be destroyed. In this second book of the Children of Eden series it appears the story begins with a new character, Yarrow – one of the elites of the Inner Circle of Eden. But when Lark, a girl with lilac-coloured hair turns up at Yarrow’s exclusive Oaks boarding school, she feels inexplicable shock waves of recognition. Why does Lark call her Ro? And why does Yarrow’s best friend, Pearl – the elite of the elites - hate Lark so much? You don’t need to read the first book, Children of Eden, to be able to follow this story, but it will add to your enjoyment if you do. And then you will be dying to read the third book: Rebels of Eden also available at Dunedin Public Libraries.

Beast A tale of love and revenge. Lisa Jensen
This is a retelling of the classic fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. The story is told from the viewpoint of Lucie who is a servant at the Chateau Beaumont. Following a brutal attack from her master, the despicable Jean-Loup, Lucie desires revenge. Her wish to see him suffer is granted when a wisewoman transforms him into an ugly beast. From there on the story plot takes many twists and turns and comes to a surprising conclusion. 

Accidental Super Star. Marianne Levy
I loved this book! It has humour, music, a great plot and excellent characters who all change and learn through the events as they unfold. Katie is not coping well with her parent’s divorce and writes sad songs on her guitar in her bedroom about it. Then her mum starts seeing a new man and soon they have all moved to a new house which means Katie has to catch the bus to school with Mad Jaz instead of walking with her best friend. This, however, all leads to an impromptu music jam in her new bedroom with her new “friends” and new “dad” which is caught on camera and put on the internet. When it goes viral Katie’s life is changed dramatically.

Hello I Must be Going. Dyan Sheldon
Sorrel Groober doesn't want to remain dead. Instead of going quietly to the grave she takes to visiting her three best friends. Slowly, as they begin to accept her presence, she is able to help them navigate a way through personal difficulties that they are each experiencing.

Overall this is an enjoyable book with the very good message of follow your own dreams and don't just comply with what others expect of you.

A Time to Dance. Padma Venkatraman
Veda, a classical Indian dancer, lives to dance. But on the eve of winning a prestigious dance competition, the taxi Veda is travelling in has an accident. The driver is killed, and Veda’s leg is crushed and has to be amputated below the knee. Her hopes for a dancing future appear crushed too, until a visiting American specialist offers to help her rehabilitate with a specially built protheses, assuring her she will dance again. Veda is determined to get back up and relearn all she knew, but her old dance teacher will not teach her. Veda has many physical and spiritual falls while she regains her strength and technique. But through her receptive approach to learning by failing she learns and achieves more than she had ever hoped for. This book explores the deeper meaning of the ancient Bharatanatyam dance form and its design for living with spiritual awareness.