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Digital Library and Your Community

Irene Wilson —

Looking for a guest speaker for your next club meeting? Are you part of a small group who would like to learn more about what the library offers digitally?

Dunedin Public Libraries has the right person for you! Our Digital Programmes Coordinator, Irene Wilson, will visit any interested group in the Dunedin community and chat about the libraries' digital resources. The talk can be tailored from an overview of all the different opportunities the library has online, from digital books, streaming films, and access to a funding database. Or a tailored talk about specific resources such as Genealogy, Newspapers and Magazines, or resources for kids.

This position is funded until mid-2022 by the New Zealand Library Partnership Programme to help support communities recover from covid-19. If you would like to hear more about free library resources get in quick! Talks can be given in person while the community is in level 2 as long as social distancing and mask guidelines are able to be followed. If you would like to hear more but would prefer to wait for level 1, let Irene know and she will note your contact information and get back in touch with you then. Virtual meetings are also always available. 

Contact Irene at irene.wilson@dcc.govt.nz or 021 225 9829

Irene Wilson — Image by: Jill Bowie