Kathy Aloniu, City Library Team Leader — Sep 17, 2018


 Last year I was the lucky recipient of the LIANZA Edith Jessie Carnell travel scholarship, awarded to members of New Zealand’s professional library association for the purpose of travel outside NZ for research, study, or to attend a conference. 

In March, I travelled to the USA, visiting libraries in Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Illinois to view a range of Digital and Makerspaces in Libraries. 

What is a makerspace? 

Makerspaces (hackerspaces/fablabs) are creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. In libraries they often have 3D printers, software, electronics, craft and hardware supplies, tools, and more. They are becoming increasingly popular in both public and academic libraries as a new way to engage visitors and add value to traditional library services. 

Why have makerspaces in libraries? 

Libraries are already a community learning space with trusted staff. Makerspaces build on this by providing guidance and space to explore emerging technologies and prepare for future career opportunities and life skills. On my travels, I saw a range of great makerspaces, from high-end, latest technology, offering hundreds of classes per month and funded by million dollar bequest, to more modest centres, started with little funding and growing over time. Some focused on youth, such as Cloud 901 in Memphis and YOUMedia in Chicago, providing opportunities for interest-driven learning, such as music and video recording facilities. Others offered a mixture of digital resources alongside creative spaces with opportunities to learn sewing, woodworking, and paper craft. Many were situated in areas of high social and economic deprivation, making these spaces vital to people’s lives. 

Earlier this year, Dunedin Libraries became host to the Gig City Living Hub on the Ground floor of the City Library, giving our customers access to technology they perhaps haven’t tried before. What would you like to make or learn in your library? We welcome your ideas.