Dunedin Public Libraries | Kā Kete Wānaka o Ōtepoti — Dec 20, 2020

Supporting and encouraging young people to read for pleasure.

Children in South Dunedin aged 3-7 years will soon be receiving books to enjoy with their whānau as part of the Communities of Readers project which aims to build and cement the concept of reading for pleasure.

Books will be delivered to early childhood centres, schools and community organisations in South Dunedin for children to keep and to share and this project aims to provide a whole of community approach to reading for enjoyment.

This project is a partnership between The National Library, The Ministry of Education, The Dunedin City Council, (including the Dunedin Public Libraries and Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature), Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou and Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki and the Methodist Mission Southern.

Communities of Readers aims to demonstrate that by connecting the resources and expertise of local and national organisations, better reading outcomes for children and young people can be created and sustained.

Find out more about the Communities of Readers (COR) initiative.