Hero photograph
NZ International Science Festival 2020
Photo by scifest.org.nz

ANSWERS: ExQUIZite Science quiz

Rebecca Keenan —

Plot spoiler: don't read this until you've taken the quiz challenge!

It’s elementary

1. Phosphorus

2. Au

3. The sun

4. Six hundred million

5. Salt

Space, above and beyond

1. Ice giant

2. Five – Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres

3. Phobos and Demios

4. 1990 (April 24)

5. Elliptical and irregular

Feed me, Seymour

1. Giant Taro

2. Cellulose

3. Deadly nightshade

4. Capsaicin

5. Grass

Bits and bytes

1. 1900 (by Ferdinand Porsche)

2. Parkesine

3. Light-emitting diode

4. 1.7m

5. Deep Blue

Soylent green

1. Deoxyribonucleic acid

2. Connective, epithelial, muscle, and nervous

3. 5 million

4. Gluteus maximus

5. Homo habillis

All creatures great and small

1. Axolotl

2. 80 to 100

3. 80 km/h

4. Kakī, tara iti, and tītitipounamu

5. The flea

Sources (all available from Dunedin Public Libraries)
· The elements: A visual exploration of every known atom in the universe. Theodore Gray
· Planetarium. Raman Prinia and Chris Wormell
· Why do violets shrink? Caroline Holmes
· How technology works. Jack Challoner
· Nerd Aa-Zz. Tamara J Resler
· Usborne Science Encyclopedia
· How the body works: the facts simply explained
· The wisdom of nature. Dixie Wills
· Amazing evolution: The journey of life. Anna Claybourne