Dunedin Public Libraries | Kā Kete Wānaka o Ōtepoti

New Zealand Music Month has us so excited we could sing. Instead, we've put together an issue filled with recommendations, important updates to our services, and the launch of a new exhibition dedicated to the most polarising book clubs to have ever existed!

  1. Music & Movies

    Ali shares some of the great offerings for music lovers on the library's streaming service, BeamaFilm. Read more…
  2. Kōtui Server Migration

    An upgrade to the library catalogue system, and what this means for you. Read more…
  3. What's On

    Music Month may be on the go, but there's still plenty of other events and activities taking place around our libraries! Read more…
  4. Ōtepoti He Puna Auaha, Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature

    Liz Breslin shares a recent update from the City of Literature. Read more…
  5. Book Review: The Rest is History

    Colleen shares a fascinating new non-fiction title that originated as a podcast. Read more…
  6. What's New McNab

    The latest in the New Zealand collection. Read more…
  7. New Fiction

    New and recommended fiction from our collections. Read more…
  8. NZ Music Month | Te Marama Puoro O Aotearoa

    1 May - 31 May Read more…
  9. Left vs. Right: The Battle of the Book Clubs

    Donald shares the battle strategy for the latest Reed Gallery Exhibition. Read more…
  10. Moonfall: When the Moon Hatched

    Ali shares the latest #BookTok viral sensation with an Aotearoa origin. Read more…
  11. Subscribe

    Sign up now to receive regular what's on updates from Dunedin Public Libraries. Read more…