Have your say on our Annual Plan

It’s Annual Plan time again, so we want to tell you what’s new, what’s changed, and how to have your say.

You might remember we were doing a Long Term Plan for 2024-2034. In February the Government told all councils that we could do a one-year plan instead.

So we’ve put together a draft Annual Plan for 2024-2025, and we’d like to hear what you think.

How to join the conversation

You can provide feedback from 28 March 2024. You can:

Submitters can also choose to speak to their submission at hearings.

Submissions close at 12 noon on 24 April, and public hearings will be held in May.

Find out more

Visit our website or pick up a submission form from any of our libraries or Council service centres.

For more information visit: dunedin.govt.nz/2024AP