David Howard's Residency in Ulyanovsk Unesco City of Literature
City of Literature - October 30, 2019
Museum director Elena Lisina and David Howard at the studio of Dimitry Potapov.
At the 27 September Literary Trolleybus reading.
David Howard and translator Olga Tyurina at the
studio of Dimitry Potapov.
The sculptor/photographer Dimitry Potapov with
translator Olga Tyurina outside the Ulyanovsk Cartridge Factory Museum.
Actress Margarita Zaharova at the 27 September Literary Trolleybus reading.
The composer Sofia Filyanina, who set David Howard's 'Roll of Honour'.
At the studio of sculptor Dimitry Potapov: LR -
Dimitry, museum director Elena Lisina, translator Olga Tyurina, and
poet/translator/journalist Sergei Gogin.
Elena Titova of Ulyanovsk City of Literature
introducing the 27 September Literary Trolleybus reading.
Anna Pushkareva and Elena Titova welcomed David Howard to Russia on behalf of Ulyanovsk City of Literature; here they are above the Volga River.
David Howard presents his Russian project, 'The Church That Is Not There', with the poet and translator Gala Uzrytova at the opening of Literary Hall.
(Photo by Dimitry Potapov)
David Howard delivers a keynote at the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents meet with senior editors in a series of workshops.
David Howard presents his Russian project, 'The Church That Is Not There', with the poet and translator Sergei Gogin at the opening of Literary Hall.
(Photo by Dimitry Potapov)
David Howard features on Russian television coverage of the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents met with senior editors in a series of workshops.
David Howard delivers a keynote at the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents meet with senior editors in a series of workshops.
The composer Sofia Filyanima is applauded after the premiere performance of 'Roll of Honour', her setting of poems by David Howard.
(Photo by Dimitry Potapov)
David Howard meets the composer Sofia Filyanima after she returns from Moscow to Ulyanovsk to conduct 'Roll of Honour', her setting of David Howard's poems.
(Photo by Elena Titova of Ulyanovsk City of Literature)
David Howard signs autographs after the City Day reading with Sergei Gogin.
David Howard interviewed at the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents met with senior editors in a series of workshops.
The septet, conducted by composer Sofia Filyanima (5th from left), that presented a musical setting of David Howard's 'Roll of Honour' at the opening of Literary Hall.
David Howard presents his Russian project, 'The Church That Is Not There', at the opening of Literary
(Photo by Dimitry Potapov)
David Howard with the
composer Sofia Filyanima and Elena Titova of Ulyanovsk City of
Literature at the opening of Literary Hall. (Photo by Dimitry Potapov)
David Howard receives a presentation at the opening of Literary Hall.
Howard interviewed at the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents
met with senior editors in a series of workshops.
David Howard reading at Karamzinsky Square with poet and translator Sergei Gogin as part of the City Day celebrations, which were organised by the Centralized Library System.
Danila Nozdryakov reads a translation of David Howard's poetry at the September Literary Trolleybus in Ulyanovsk.
David Howard with the Ulyanovsk Regional Puppet Theatre Director Irina Maysakova after a tour of the clockwork wooden puppets made by the Morozov family; the puppets inspired David's sequence 'Resurgent Trees'.
Ulyanovsk Cartridge Factory Museum Director Galina Luchsheva with David Howard after a visit to review the archive on Andrei Sakharov, who features in David's poem 'Sakharov Meets Oblomov (1943)'.
David Howard delivers a keynote at the opening of the “Lipki” International Forum of Young Writers, where 150 young talents meet with senior editors in a series of workshops.
(Photo by UPravda)