I prefer fresh air
I prefer fresh air
I prefer unmasking politicians whose duty is only to themselves
I prefer rain now and again
I prefer fewer shops
I prefer cycling to work to stepping into my home office and not being able to step out of it in my head
I prefer boredom
I prefer watching the woodpecker hang upside down pecking at a birdball in the pear tree
I prefer deer in my street and red squirrels on my garden bench
I prefer a big thick newspaper to 24-hour rolling news online
I prefer seeing the cards on the table, however bad they are, to hearing only the half of it
I prefer tomato soup with rice
I prefer shouting my views in street protests to quietly standing by
I prefer talking in Polish, asking Jak tam? and Co slychac?
I prefer singing in other languages, languages I don’t know, connecting with people I don’t know
I sometimes prefer my non-biological family
I prefer voting, after women before me battled to give me the vote
I prefer breaking the gender rules
I prefer getting lost in the woods to getting lost online
I prefer sweeping on Sundays to weeping in church
I prefer living near water, walking barefoot in a forest stream
I prefer staying alive