Hero photograph
Dunedin Literary Walking Tours
Photo by Beverly Martens

Book Lovers' Walking Tours

Beverly Martens —

Join Beverly Martens (owner of Dunedin Literary Walking Tours) for a fascinating and entertaining guided central city walk. Hear stories about well-known New Zealand writers; discover key sites in Dunedin’s rich literary history; and see some of the quirky new ways in which we’re celebrating our UNESCO City of Literature status.
When: 10am daily (leaving from the i-Site)
Tour length: just over an hour
Cost: $25 per person

Enjoy stories about famous past and present New Zealand writers - their lives, their work, their love of Dunedin - as we walk through the picturesque and historic University of Otago campus. ($5 discount for current students & NZSA members) Flat terrain, Small groups, Wear layered clothing, walking shoes & bring your camera! Meet at 10.30 am outside the University of Otago Visitors’ Centre Corner of Cumberland and St David Streets.
When: 3 afternoons a week, from 2-4 pm on Tuesday/Thursday and Sunday afternoons.
Tour length: two hours
Cost: $35 per person

Bookings Essential
: visit www.literarytours.nz or phone/text 027 44 44 788