Start of School at East Otago High School 2022!
Marcus Cooper - January 20, 2022
Start Dates/Times
Monday January 31st - Teacher only day! Year 12 on a course at school.
Tuesday the 1st of February - Year 13 course. Year 11 and 12 subject interviews (an email will be sent with the students' times)
Wednesday the 2nd of February - Year 7 and 13 only at school. Students to assemble at the hall at 9.15am.
Thursday the 3rd of February - Whole school present. Assembly at 8.40am.
Friday the 4th of February - Whole school. Mihi whakatau (welcome to new students) 9.30am.
With the introduction of a new uniform for Year 7-10 in 2022 we are going to be in a transition phase. This means that if current students still want to wear last years uniform they are permitted (we do not want to add unncessary financial pressue to any family). Boys can wear the grey shirt, black shorts/trousers and grey socks. Girls are permitted to wear the winter uniform all year (optional between black crew socks or black stockings).
Senior students do not have any change to their uniform.
The new uniform can be purchased from NZ uniforms. This comprises of a regulation green polo shirt, green fleece, plain black skirt/shorts or pants and short length black socks for both boys and girls.
All students must have black leather polishable shoes or black leather T Bar shoes for girls.
In addition to these items students can wear a plain black puffer jacket.
Stationary items can be purchased from Office Max,, where you look up East Otago High School and follow the instructions.
We are all looking forward to a great year and can't wait to see all our students back and hear about their holidays. Enjoy the last couple of weeks!
Please feel free to contact us by email,, if you have any further questions.
Marcus Cooper
East Otago High School