Hero photograph

Spirit of Adventure Trust

Addisyn Lawrence —

The Spirit of Adventure Trust was set up to provide students with an opportunity to learn important life skills through the activity of sailing. It started in December 1973 and they have done well over 900 voyages around New Zealand's waters. When my Dad was the same age as me he also participated in the Spirit of Adventure and he was on Voyage #132. Every voyage the ship has the capacity to hold 40 trainees and 14 crew.

In late November I was given the chance to go on the Spirit of New Zealand. It was a 10 day voyage with 37 other trainees from all over New Zealand and 14 crew. I was very reluctant to embark on this amazing adventure but I am so glad that I did. We departed from Bluff on 28th Jan, sailed around parts of Stewart Island, and arrived in Dunedin on the evening of the 5th of Feb. In total I travelled 391 nautical miles (724.13 kilometres), had gale force winds, rain, hail, sun, and four metre swells. To say the least I faced every weather possible and still had a blast. Some of my favourite highlights on the voyage were the mini hike up to Bald Cone, being chased by sea lions, having a bonfire with toasted marshmallows, climbing up the 35m mast, night sailing and of course the people.

I faced almost all of my fears - public speaking, heights, being with complete strangers, and unknown waters - within the 10 days and I learnt some valuable life lessons. Being apart if this Voyage it has taught me that it is okay to be vulnerable, it is okay to be nervous, you may not know many people around but you will make new friends, if you feel like you can not take another step take two more and you never know how much you are capable of until you push yourself well outside of your comfort zone. To the 10 lucky Year 9 and 10 students participating in the Spirit of New Zealand trophy later on this year, I wish you guys the best of luck, have a blast and take in as much information in as you can!