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Kirsty McLachlan —

“Boys and girls.”

As Ian called us we formed into one big group. He told us that we were playing spotlight. He picked the seekers who were really good. One of my friends ran away and got found. I was astounding . I never got found once we had another round. The last round would have been my favourite. I was hiding in a bush. The girls were terrible at finding all the blokes . After the first round we continued talking as we went throughout the whole game. Everyone was enjoying the game of spotlight. There were so many paths to go down, most of them were dark and scary so I did not go down any of the dark paths. It was quite interesting there were good hiders. Some of the other people were right across from me.

The last round went on for the longest. It went on for about half an hour. At the start of it I went to the best spot with my friend, Max. Five minutes later nearly all of the boys were in that one spot I was in. At one point it was too enclosed for me. I had to push my way through. I had trouble with squeezing myself out . when I finally got myself out of the space I was out in the open with the girls swarming the camp like wasps. I had a few close calls but eventually I thrust myself into a sharp bush with my big, bulky torch that was right near the nature path. The girls were right below me. They were flashing their torches at me. It was interesting to see how good their vision and hearing was with me making noises in the background of their business.

Ian called us all in for one big meeting. After the meeting we had some hot cocoa that made my mouth water. Once we had finished enjoying it we went to bed,it was so hard to get to sleep because it was really hot.

By Blake