Gillian Whyman — Jul 1, 2020

“We’re delighted to have young people involved with our volunteer group,” commented Mrs Heather McGregor, Palmerston Meals on Wheels Coordinator.

Nineteen Year 10-Year 13 students have joined the Palmerston Meals on Wheels service, assisting with delivering hot meals to older people in the town. The students are rostered to deliver the two course meals each Thursday, during term time.

“We’re delighted to have young people involved with our volunteer group,” commented Mrs Heather McGregor, Palmerston Meals on Wheels Coordinator. “Our Meals on Wheels clients are enjoying the school students visiting.”

It is a fantastic win, win situation, as the students and Meals on Wheels clients enjoy the opportunity to interact. In addition to learning how to communicate with and support older members of the community, developing a culture of volunteering are key factors for East Otago High School’s involvement with the Meals on Wheels service. The students are learning to plan their time to incorporate their involvement with the Meals on Wheels service alongside their learning programmes, assessments, leadership, sporting and cultural commitments. Students are able to accrue their Meals on Wheels delivery time towards community service awards through the Student Volunteer Army scheme. Thanks to Mrs Annie McLeod (Teacher Aide) who drives the school van each week, taking the students to collect the meals from the Waihemo Tavern and around the delivery route.

Miss Gill Whyman

Literacy Support Teacher

Specialist Teacher of Inclusive Education

East Otago High School Meals on Wheels Coordinator

East Otago High School