Jacqueline Guile — Jun 17, 2020

Virtual Open Day 24th June 2020 for YOOBEE Colleges

We are one week away from our Virtual Open Day!

Kia ora,

Yoobee colleges will be hosting their first Virtual open day on the 24th of June 2020 - one week from now! We want to thank our schools for all the emails supporting the virtual open day. Many schools do not have the option to visit the campus and speak to the tutors themselves. The virtual open day, allows students to interact with our staff virtually!

We also encourage students who are unable to attend the event, to register for the event regardless. By registering for the event, they will automatically be sent a link to view the replay of the session. Please make sure students are registered before the session goes live or else they may miss the replay link!

The sessions will cover:

How do students join these sessions?
Students who wish to attend the sessions will need to register. No two sessions will overlap, giving students the option to view as many sessions as they wish. Students can register through this link: https://www.yoobee.ac.nz/news-and-events/nationwide-virtual-open-day/

If you have any questions regarding the virtual open day please feel free to email us or call us directly on the links below.

Ngā mihi,

Yoobee Colleges Team

Our mailing address is:
Wellington Railway Station
2 Bunny Street
Wellington 6011

Phone: 04-384 9624