Aurora Otago Science and Technology Fair 2019
East Otago High School students win prizes at Science Fair
A group of 20 students from East Otago High School entered projects in the Aurora Otago Science and Technology Fair 2019, with a number receiving prizes. A student report will be included in the next newsletter.
Congratulations to the following prize winners:
Aurora Award
Neve Curtis and Pearl Wells - Keeping your flowers alive
Danika Billington - Making paints out of natural resources
Aurora Award for Excellence in Energy Research
Ryan Worth and Samuel Paton - How easy is it to make Hydropower?
Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago Award
Lilly Kemp - Brown Bananas, Yuck
Ashley Howard - DNA Genes in Horses: What causes the coat colour?
Department of Computer Science, University of Otago Award
Great McCaw and Addisyn Lawrence - Isn't technology great?
Engineering NZ Award
Ryan Worth and Samuel Paton - How easy is it to make Hydropower?
Forest and Bird Society (Dunedin Branch) Award
Kate Allan-Chalmers and Mikayla Alter - Fantastic is not having plastic
Keith Dawber Memorial Award
Ashton Scott - Generating renewable energy from algae
NZ Institute of Chemistry Award
Danika Billington - Making paints out of natural resources
Kate Allan-Chalmers and Mikayla Alter - Fantastic is not having plastic