Hero photograph
Photo by Marcus Cooper

Student Led Conferences

Keith Fleury —

Student Led Conferences will be held here at East Otago High School on Thursday the 7th of April 2022.

Conferences will be held in both the Year 7/8 Block and the Library Block to ensure there is plenty of room between those attending.

The school will be closed to normal teaching so we can dedicate the full day from 9am to 6.30pm for the conferences.

Conferences will involve the student, their form teacher and parent/s for a time slot of 15 minutes per student.

Students have been working hard to prepare for the conferences which they will lead. The form teacher is there to encourage and answer any questions that may come up during the conference.

Before you make a booking, you will need to ask your son/daughter who their Form/Rawhiti Teacher is, as that is who you will be booking with.

A list of form/Rawhiti teachers is below.

Please note: 7/8CW form class is shared between Mr Cummings and Mr Walker. Conferences will be attended by either Mr Cummings or Mr Walker throughout the day. You can book a time slot via the School Interviews site. The link is here

The booking code is AYZUN.

Here is the QR Code as well