Hero photograph

Otago Netty Festival

Meg Goodman —

On Tuesday the 23rd of August the Year 8 Wildcats netball team competed at the Otago Netty Festival at the Dunedin Edgar Centre. We were asked to dress up as our favourite sports team, we chose to dress up as ‘Eastern’. We wore green tutu’s and socks, also having green and yellow hair spray/face paint.

This tournament was about having fun and team building, so no scores were taken officially. We played five games against other schools from around Otago, all of which were challenging and fun. We had lots of exciting activities to complete between games like human pyramids, chants and dances to get tokens. These tokens were a competition to win tickets to a Southern Steel game in 2023. If you got more then 20 tokens the Southern Steel would come and coach your team at school, unfortunately we missed out by one token! We enjoyed having fun while playing together. Special thank you to Lakaia, Sam, Felina, Roz and Miss Goodman who made this possible for us.

- Year 8 Wildcats