Hero photograph
Photo by Marcus Cooper

4th Kaitoko Rakatahi Wanaka for 2023!

Marcus Cooper —

Opportunity for our Maori Students.

The Kaupapa for this Wanaka is aimed to empower Rakatahi and give them the Matauraka and experience of various Māori-taka, including Whakapapa, Pu Rakau,Mau Rakau Te Whare Tu Taua, Wai Patu (Kāti Kuri), Mahi Toi , Rongoa, Haka/Waiata and History within the Ōtākou takiwā, This wānaka is targeted at Rakatahi both Kotiro and Tama aged between 12-17 years old. Wānaka Dates and Times as follows.

Powhiri @ 3.00pm 26th September 45 Tamatea Rd, Otakou Marae (Tuesday- Friday)

Note Graduation 29th @2.00pm Poroporoaki @ 3.00pm (Friday Afternoon) Rakatahi to be picked up collected from the Marae by 3.00pm we encourage all whanau to come along from 2pm onwards for the closing ceremony (Friday).

This Wanaka Will be the 1st Wanaka of the Matariki New year and to see what Ropu/team Takes out the “Otakou Taua Trophy! Along with other Kemu and competitions within there Ropu. Rakatahi are split into four teams, each named after a famous or influential person of Mana from or within the Otakou Takiwa. Rakatahi will be tested and challenged in various Kemu Tuturu and Maoritaka to develop strategies and problem solving within there ropu. History element added to this Kaupapa will give Rakatahi the chance to explore fort Taiaroa at Pukekura, and Travel Te Tai Otakou on the “ Monarch” learning about our Takiwa on Te Tai with various whakapapa, pu rakau and place names of importance. Raraka workshop teaching Rakatahi how to harvest and Weave Harakeke using correct Tikanga, Wai Patu (kati Kuri), Kai Tahu Taoka style of Patu devolped by Kati Kuri , Mau Rakau Te Whare Tu Taua, Mahika Kai and sustainability

Rakatahi will partake in 8-12x 45-minute workshops over the duration of the Wanaka, along with Hikoi , Boat and History to various areas of local importance.

Things Covered in the Wanaka Kaupapa:

. Raraka (Weaving Harakeke)

. Tikanga (Otakou Kawa)

. Wai Patu (Kati Kuri)

. Mahi Toi , pu rakau, whakapapa, Kohatu Design

. Mau Rakau (Te Whare Tu Taua)

. Hikoi & History (Pukekura Pa) (Te Atua O Tai Ehu) (Papanui)(Te Tai Otakou)

. Kemu Tuturu (Traditional Games)

. Mahika Kai (Tuaki), (Patiti)

. Whakapapa

. Pu Rakau

. Waiata/ Haka

What To Bring?

. Drink Bottle (Named)

. Pillow

. Blankets.

. 2x Change of clothes (Old Clothes)

. Warm Jacket

. Bennie/ Hat

. Toiletry Bag

. Towel x 2

. Rakau, Pouwhenua, Taiaha, Patu (only if have your own)

. Great! Attitude

Please RSVP Rakatahi by 20th September (limited spaces available)

Any questions or concerns please contact me at connor@tro.org.nz.

Ka Mihi Nui