Hero photograph
Photo by Roz Croucher

EOHS Hockey 2020

Roz Croucher —

Otago Hockey have set the season calendar for 2020.

Otago Hockey has confirmed the following dates for Hockey for this year.

Secondary Schools

13 games 16th, 23rd, 30th June, 21st, 28th July; 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th August; 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd September

Intermediate Schools

13 games 19th, 26th June; 3rd, 24th, 31st July; 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th August; 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th September

Players, coaches and spectators will need to log into the McMillian Turf with the idMe Contact Tracing Log, you can get your QR code here: www.idme.co.nz, you only need to do this once and then you are able to use the QR code or Manual Log In link for any sport that uses idMe.

We are now all well aware of the guidelines to follow

  • Stay home if you are sick. This includes players, coaches and supporters.
  • Bring your own drink bottle. Players cannot drink from the fountains but can use them to refill their bottles.
  • Keep a practical distance from other people where possible.
  • Wash/sanitize your hands frequently, it's a good idea for every player to have their own sanitizer in their bags.
  • Be Kind!

The McMillian Turf will also be implementing regular cleaning and sanitising procedures to keep everyone safe.

Deon and Peggy Bridger will be holding Senior hockey practice at 7am Thursday mornings in the DG Murray Hall starting Thursday 11th June.

Mrs O'Connell will be holding Year 7/8 hockey practice on Wednesday lunchtimes in the DG Murray Hall, these have already started.