Hero photograph
Photo by Marcus Cooper

Student Led Conferences - Cancelled!

Marcus Cooper —

The student led conferences that were to be held on Wednesday the 10th of May have been cancelled.

In light of the number of days we have lost due to NCEA teacher only days and the continued strike action from the PPTA we have decided to cancel the student-led interviews scheduled for Wednesday the 10th of May (we would have closed the school for instruction to facilitate this event). Your student’s Rawhiti/Form teacher will send you a copy of their goal setting for the year so you can have a discussion and support them to achieve these. We will endeavour to have a more traditional subject teacher interview evening later in the term (once the PPTA and Ministry of Education have reached an agreement). Although we believe that student-led interviews are an important part of students taking accountability and ownership for their learning, we are also mindful that students need to be in classes in front of their teachers. There have already been too many disruptions to the learning programmes for all students and teachers.

A copy of your students goal setting document will be sent out by email for you to discuss with your students by Friday the 12th of May.