Principal's Comment 7th March 2024
It is week six of Term One already, it has certainly flown by. This week we had our AW Familton Awards, where we recognise those students who gained Merit and Excellence Endorsements from their 2023 NCEA studies. We were fortunate that Alex and Heather were able to attend again this year, as they are a special part of not only our school history but the community as a whole. At the same assembly we recognised our School Leaders for 2024 by presenting them with their badges. Each leader had to make a written application and go through an interview before they were selected. Sadly some very good candidates missed out on positions but their day will come I am sure. It was so heartening to have such a high caliber of students apply. This year I have added a new role to the Student Leadership Team, that being Academic Prefects. We have three students who are very enthusiastic about raising the profile of academia at East Otago High School. On Wednesday this week our four student leaders will be attending a gathering of all head students in the wider Dunedin area at Queens High School. It will be a great experience for them to meet and integrate with student leaders of other schools.
I have made two staff appointments since the last newsletter. In our continued push to raise the capability of our students in Literacy and Numeracy, Meg Gallagher has agreed to offer support for Numeracy, working in small groups over the course of this term and possibly into next term. I know she will compliment the already amazing progress made by the numeracy support team. Lennox Sharp has agreed to be our Attendance Officer. He will be chasing up students who are absent without justification and students who are late. Again, I know Lennox will make a difference.
Next week we have one of the highlights of the year, our annual Maniototo Exchange. This year the exchange is being held here at EOHS. This is a very special exchange as was set up in memory of Jack Martin. Although it is nice to win, it is not about that. The exchange is all about two schools who have a lot in common, getting together and just having a fabulous day of competition. I encourage you as supporters of EOHS to come along to watch the competition. Fingers crossed for good weather!