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What happened that night…...

Kirsty McLachlan —

It all started in the morning when the bell rang. We had to get into our tent groups to set the tents up. Sophie, Imogen and Fipe were in my group. We had to take the parents' tents down because the parents were getting ever ready to go to Maceros pound. Then we set them up at the campsite down the road then everyone went back to camp.Then in the afternoon we walked back down the road.

When we arrived we got ready for a cookout we got our bucket/containers and got oil turned on the gas stove top and put the sausages in and made the pudding . Mr Cummings ate at our restaurant called “Sisters Before Misters”. We made him sausages , chocolate pudding with bananas inside, deep fried bananas and potatoes and then we ate some . Everyone in our group thought it tasted delicious and loved eating them. Mr Cummings gave us a five star rating.

Then Dad came and played games with us. We started playing the peg game where you start with one peg then people can take it off you and at the end you have to try and have the most pegs at the end. I felt Dad run past me and everyone was chasing him because he had their pegs. Dad was trying to get mine so I was getting his and ran away from me.Then he stopped the game, probably because he was winning. After we played a game with dots and everyone had groups. We lined up in our groups. Depending on how many people were in your group, that's how many dots you got. When we started we had to keep starting again because we kept touching the ground but we ended up getting second.Then Dad left because it was getting late and probably wanted to see Charlee and Libby. I was a little sad but the game after made me feel better.

After Dad left Ms McLachlan said we could play a game where someone is on the other side of the grass patch and we had to switch clothes with people and try to get to the other side without being caught by the person who's in. Ms McLachlan would blow the whistle once then we could move, then when she blew the whistle twice we had to freeze, the person then would get to guess who the people were. I felt like I was going as fast as a cheetah but I was probably as slow as a turtle. After the game everyone went to the toilet, went to bed and got their good night lolly.

We could hear a tent group say, “Eww, who farted?”

Everyone was laughing.Then we went to sleep. I woke up in the night because it was so cold. I had five layers of clothing on and I was still cold, but I got back to sleep. In the morning I looked okay but I probably looked like the walking dead I was so cold in the night and I was probably rowling around a lot .

Overall I liked sleeping outside in the tents and playing the fun games.

By Maddi