Hero photograph
Photo by Kylie Scott

EOHS Library May 2023

Ms Howland —

Lucky Book Orders to office by 10th May 2023

Thanks to those families and students who buy the Ashton Scholastic books. The latest book club issue 3 is available now. Our school order will go in on Wednesday 10th May.

Students at work in the Library

Image by: Kylie Scott

Image by: Kylie Scott

Thanks to the 2023 team of Student Librarians.

A big thank you to the student library team who continue to show up for duty and support the library.

Jolene - Student Librarian 2023

Image by: Kylie Scott

Year 9 Readers Cup Continues

We will be competing in June against the Cromwell and the Mount Aspiring school teams. Our team of five are diligently reading the set texts.

Hells Pizza Wheel for Year 7 and 8 Students only

Image by: Kylie Scott

The Hell Reading Challenge is a well-established New Zealand programme that has been hugely successful in getting students reading - with the bonus of a free 333 pizza.

I hold the students’ card pizza wheels in the library, and they share their reading with me. After they have read seven books they can take their stamped wheel into one of the two Hell Pizza venues in Dunedin and redeem their wheel for a pizza.

Toitoi is a journal for young NZ writers and artists.

The Toitoi journal publishes student material with an original and authentic voice that other young people can connect to and be inspired by, and that also reflects the cultures and experiences of New Zealand.

Exploring Toitoi -A reading Competition for Years 7 and 8

Details of this Term 2 library competition will be shared with EOHS Year 7 and 8 Students next week. The aim of the competition is to get students reading and enjoying these great journals.

Image by: Kylie Scott

New Reading Ombudsman 2023

Image by: Kylie Scott

Alan on a bear hunt at Roslyn Library

Alan Dingley, Librarian at Palmerston North Intermediate School, has been named as the next Te Awhi Rito Reading Ambassador for children and young people. Alan is a passionate advocate and school librarian who communicates the joy and transformation reading can bring to a young person’s world. He brings impressive experience, skills and knowledge to the kaupapa of creating readers. Alan succeeds current Te Awhi Rito Ben Brown, whose role as the inaugural Te Awhi Rito ends in May.

And finally…

The benefits of reading for pleasure.

Reading for pleasure has many non-literacy benefits and can increase empathy, improve relationships with others, reduce symptoms of depression and improve wellbeing throughout life. (The Reading Agency 2015)

Rae Howland EOHS Library May 2023