East Otago Health — February 7, 2024
EAST OTAGO HEALTH – February 2024
Kia ora ko tou katoa, an update from the team at East Otago Health in Palmerston & Waikouaiti.
“Head Shave for the Food Wave”
Kia Ora whanau and friends, as we embark on another year, I reflect a little on what has been and a little of what is to come. This in all fairness is never a given and we must embrace each moment, cherish our loved ones as if it is our last moments as we can never be certain of what the future may bring. I talk from a place in my heart and from experiences in a number of personal ways in my life that has also led me to (with the support of my team), give something back to our community. I fear as prices rise, the ongoing uncertainty of “Doctors” and appointments, the pressure we all face now daily, our reputation as a Medical Centre and an awesome group of professionals, may not be as reputable as we all strive to achieve. I know this as I see what our team do for our community each hour of every day and with this we want to show a little of what you all mean to us.
We now give back, our hair in-fact, as many as I can muster. Michelle is next in line, rearing to go and keen to get this fundraising and hair growth underway. Our local food bank run by the POWA organization in Waikouaiti (details) are experiencing a rapid increase in need for their food parcels, to benefit those living in our community. So we will shave our locks, or “Head Shave for the Food Wave” on the 12th March 2024, in the rear garage of our Palmerston Clinic.
What we ask is you support our commitment to you by donating non-perishable food items to our reception areas or donating via online payment to:
East Otago Health – 12-3196-0011062-00, with ShaveWave as your reference.
This food bank is unfunded with a huge demand currently in our area, relying on the generosity of others, so let’s help them by supporting us.
Kia kaha Jane Roberts, Practice Manager
0508 828 865