Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora koutou

Last Friday we were entertained by Fairfield School's Rock Band, inspiring our own musicians who are keen to start their own rock band with Catherine McRae. Catherine is still on the hunt for some drums. If anyone knows of someone who has a drum set that we could borrow, please contact the office. 

A reminder about Pyjama Day this Friday which is to be a Student Council Fundraiser for Red Nose Day. Money raised goes towards research into child health conditions such as child cancer, heart conditions, infectious diseases and many other areas of research. Children can wear their pyjamas and bring a gold coin donation.

We are enjoying having our four final year student teachers on placement at East Taieri at present. They are making the most of their time here before applying for teaching positions next year once they graduate.

Enjoy the week ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan