Hero photograph
Photo by Joanne Bryson


Joanne Bryson —

The ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) tests are coming around again! They are annual assessments which are taken over 20 countries.

ICAS Options: 

* Year 3 students have Spelling, Science and English assessments only.

* Year 4-6 students have  Digital Technologies, Science, Writing, Spelling, English and Mathematics option. 

If you are interested in your child entering, could you please click here and fill out the google form.

Alternatively you can pop into the office and fill out a hard copy and hand into Jo Bryson in Room 4. 

Payment Options:


06-0901-0273997-00 Ref: Child's name and ICAS


In a named envelope to Jo Bryson in Room 4. 

**PLEASE NOTE: Digital Technologies form and payment are due back no later than MONDAY 19th MARCH. This is due to the closing date for orders being the end of March**

All other ICAS test forms and payments are due back no later than THURSDAY 5th APRIL.

If you have any further questions you can contact me at jobryson@east-taieri.school.nz.


Jo Bryson