Hero photograph
Photo by Joanne Bryson


Joanne Bryson —

Rūma toru and rūma whā have been learning about how to stay safe while on the footpath.

Our roads around school are extremely busy with current road works and the increase of residential living on Cemetery Road. 

Both classes went out last Thursday to practice how to cross over driveways safely, especially the pre school and school driveways.

We discussed the importance of looking for traffic coming towards and behind you and the importance of wearing a Hi-Vis Vest when walking, scootering or biking on the footpaths. 

We looked at the green painted areas outside the pre school and our school's main carpark entrance and discussed the importance of stopping before these areas. 

We also discussed that as a car leaves the school car park there is a stop sign that all cars must stop at. Mr T and Miss B mentioned that at times drivers can be distracted and that only if a driver gives them a clear signal to cross in front of their car is it safe to do so.

The whole class took turns crossing the driveways demonstrating the skills that they had learnt.