Annette MacRae — Jun 23, 2019

Term 2

Tuesday Afternoon 3:00pm - 25 June

Wednesday Morning 8:30am - 8:50am -  3 July

We Buy, Sell & Swap School Uniform items in good condition & that are clean. We also accept donations of uniform. Come and see us in the Resource Room (the small room beside room 4)

We currently have lots of smaller size shorts, skorts, fleece and sports uniform for sale!

If you have any larger size uniform, polo tops or merino jerseys surplus to requirements we would love to take them off your hands! Sorry we are no longer buying or accepting donations of culottes unless you would like to swap sizes.

If you wish to volunteer some of your time and help in the Second Hand Uniform Shop so we can be open more often, please come and talk to us.

This is not for profit but if there are any surplus funds due to donated Uniform items these go directly back into our School via the Home & School Committee