Hero photograph
Photo by Jennifer Horgan


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora koutou

I hope that everyone enjoyed the long weekend, making the most of the extra day with family and friends.

I had the pleaure of sitting in on last week's orchestra practice. I am amazed at the number of talented musicians we have at East Taieri and the way in which Alison Tay has the ability to bring them together, performing to such a high standard. Those who are able to attend our upcoming cultural assembly are in for a treat!

Students are enjoying their gymnastics sessions and making great progress. Teachers have been so grateful for parent help, especially in the Junior classes. A big thank you to those parents who have been helping with gym sessions.

It was a real privilege to attend the Dunedin Schools EPro8 finals last week and watch our East Taieri team in action. The boys were great ambassadors for the school and should be very proud of their achievements. (See article later in newsletter) 

A reminder to put next Friday's Grandparents' Day and Cultural Assembly on your calendar.

Enjoy the short week ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Jennifer Horgan