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East Taieri School

by Rachel Phillips


Rachel Phillips - April 3, 2023

It's hard to believe that Summer Sports are coming to an end for Term 1. A big congratulations to everyone who committed to playing a sport for the Term 1 season. We have had many successes, improvements and wonderful examples of team work.

Flippa Ball results:

The Dolphins team finished 2nd in the grade.They had a fantastic final against a very strong Fairfield team. The final score was 4 v 1 The Dolphins played with such determination and all the parents were very proud of their team work and effort. Congratulations to all members of the team. I know you have worked hard all season, shown amazing teamwork and have had some fabulous results. We look forward to the Term 4 season so you can carry on your improvements.


Good luck to all touch teams playing their final game this afternoon. I have watched lots of touch games this year and have been impressed with the team work and positivity I have seen. Keep up the great work and we look forward to the Term 3/4 season at the end of the year.

ET Navy Results: East Taieri Navy won against Silverstream Orange 8-0. A really great game to watch as the whole team were running to the ball, anticipating touches and running fast with the ball in hand. Equally, their defence was outstanding!  Player of the Day was Arnelle for her good defence and amazing runs with the ball. ET Navy are playing in the final this afternoon against St Mary's. Good Luck!


East Taieri Rangers won by default this week as their opposition didn't turn up which was disappointing. The boys had a friendly game before their game as another team didn't turn up. The parents played them and they had a blast. The parents had a timely reminder as to how great a wee team they are! Fun had by all and the ref enjoyed it too giving a certificate for one of the parents! Congratulations to the ET Rangers for finishing 3rd in Boys A section.

Visit from Keeley and Lucy from the Otago Spirit:

On Wednesday some classes were lucky enough to have a session with Keeley and Lucy from the Otago Spirit women's rugby team. The weather didn't play ball but the children still had a wonderful time doing a range of skills and drills with the girls. Please see some photos at the bottom of the article from this fun experience.

Sportsmanship: In class Physical Education sessions and at school sports practices there has been a huge emphasis on sportsmanship to start the year. My aim is that all children who are representing East Taieri School  in their chosen sport will have the skills to show excellent sportsmanship at all times. We have covered dealing with feelings of disappointment, being gracious in winning and also defeat, how to be a good team member and discussing what we can do if the other team are not showing good sportsmanship skills. Moving forward into the winter sports season and beyond, all children registering to play a sport for East Taieri School will need read the school sports code of conduct with their parents before taking the field, pool, court or turf. It is important they understand our expectations while representing East Taieri school. A copy of the sports code of conduct will be emailed to you once registrations for the sport your child is playing have closed. In the terms and conditions it is expected that you will read over and discuss these with your child. Thanks for your on going support with this. 

If you have any questions or queries about sport or Physical Education at East Taieri School, please email Rachel Phillips our sports coordinator -