Lisa Agnew — Feb 16, 2020

Here are some simple Māori phrases that you can use at home with your tamariki.

Māori is a phonetic language. The key to correct pronunciation is to master the sounds of the five vowels:

a, e, i, o, u

The vowel a is pronounced as in the english word cut.

The vowel e is pronounced as in the english word egg.

The vowel i is pronounced as in the english word key.

The vowel o is pronounced as in the english word paw.

The vowel u is pronounced as in the english word shoe.

There are long and short vowel sounds with macrons used on the long vowel to indicate the double vowel sound.

The vowel ā is pronounced as in the english word car.

The vowel ē is pronounced as in the english word pear.

The vowel ī is pronounced as in the english word eel.

The vowel ō is pronounced as in the english word pour.
The vowel ū is pronounced as in the english word roof.

There are 10 consonants; h, k, m, n, p, r, t, w, ng, wh.

A good time to use te reo Māori is in the morning before school.  

Useful words

Ata mārie. Good morning.
Morena. Good morning.
E oho. Wake up.
Maranga. Get up.
He aha tō parakuihi?   What would you like for breakfast?
Tōhi              Toast
Wīti pīki         Weetbix

Pāreti            Porridge
Patahua        Muesli
Kāngarere     Cornflakes

Me parakuihi koe. Have some breakfast.
Kei hea tō mahi kāinga? Where is your homework?
Raua atu ki tō pēke.  Put it in your bag.

Kia pai te rā ki te kura. Have a nice day at school.