Hero photograph
East Taieri School Vision
Photo by Garth Powell


Jennifer Horgan —

‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.

Kia ora Koutou

Our Year 6 students headed off to Tirohanga this morning for their Leadership Day in preparation for our whole school Tirohanga Outdoor Education Day early next term. A reminder that it is really important for parents to read emails and newsletters from school as several parents were unaware that today's event was happening, even though notifications had been sent out last week.

We are very grateful to parents for being so vigilant, keeping children at home if they are unwell. Just a reminder that under Phase 3 of the Omicron response, the key change is that it is only confirmed cases and their household contacts who need to self-isolate. Everyone else, including those who may have had close contact with the case but aren’t in the household, must continue to monitor really closely for any symptoms of COVID-19.

Walk N Wheel Week takes place next week. See article in newsletter for details.

Enjoy the week ahead and stay safe.

Noho ora mai.
