Hero photograph
Photo by Annette MacRae


Annette MacRae —


$2 sausage and bread 

$3 Burger with coleslaw 

$2 juice box 

We will no longer be taking pre-orders using the order forms. HOWEVER students will need to let their teachers know what they may like by Thursday 9am for product ordering.  Feel free to add Grandparents' orders onto your child's.

CHILDREN WILL BRING THEIR MONEY WITH THEM TO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY with their order, preferably in a named envelope.

This year the Home & School Committee are trailing  a new way of doing our school BBQ's.  Each BBQ will be run by the parents of two classes with committee support.  All classes in the school will take turns.  We need a minimum of five parents/caregivers from the classes in charge for each BBQ,  If for any reason not enough parents volunteer to help, the BBQ will be cancelled and parents/caregivers notified on Wednesday via Facebook and the Skool Loop app.

This week Rooms 3 & 4 will be responsible for Friday's  BBQ.  Helpers urgently needed.  Please contact Tracy McGee  0274152758 or tlmcgee4@gmail.com